Code of conduct at Vetoquinol
Editorial by Matthieu Frechin (Chairman and Chief Executive Office)
For several decades now, Vetoquinol has sought to promote a culture of ethics, transparency and compliance both at the individual and collective level. I share with all employees one ambition: that of placing our activities in a framework conducive to compliance with professional and ethical standards, wherever we operate.
This ambition cannot be achieved without the active participation of each of you. I can only highlight the initiatives in this direction, and I could give as example the programme for the prevention and detection of acts of corruption, the implementation of a risk identification and management policy and many more.
A number of tools are made available to inspire our choices and guide our daily actions. This includes the Anti-corruption Code of Conduct at Vetoquinol, our Code of Ethics and our Gift Policy.
I strongly encourage you to read all of these documents and refer to them whenever you have any doubts or questions on ethical matters. You can also address your questions to our Group Legal and Compliance Expert (
It is up to each of us, in the execution of our duties, to embody a culture of integrity in order to uphold Vetoquinol's commitments in terms of ethics and social and environmental responsibility.
You will easily understand that we cannot tolerate any behaviour or act that would compromise our integrity goals. This is how we will accomplish even more together and help ensure the long-term development of our laboratory.
Matthieu Frechin - Chairman and CEO
Vetoquinol’s code of ethics
Our Code of Ethics exists to support our employees. It outlines the standards of ethical behaviour that we expect from each and every person who works at Vetoquinol.
Click here to download the company’s Ethics code in FR version
Click here to download the company’s Ethics code in EN version
Anti-corruption Code of Conduct at Vetoquinol
Like several other companies listed in France, we’ve adopted the "Middlenext" Anti-corruption Code of Conduct at Vetoquinol. Middlenext is an independent association which exclusively represents medium-sized listed companies.
“This Anti-corruption Code of Conduct is a way of reaffirming the company’s commitments in this area and contributing to its sustainable development” explains Matthieu Frechin, Chairman and CEO.
This document guides the daily actions and behaviours of every employee around the world. We all comply with the rules contained in this Code of Conduct, regardless of the place and nature of our work.
Click here to download the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct in FR
Click here to download the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct in EN
This document is also available in other languages on request from:
Gift Policy
The Gift Policy complements our Anti-corruption Code of Conduct. It’s intended to guide each employee on decisions around gifts and invitations.
Click here to download the Group’s Gifts policy in FR
Click here to download the Group’s Gifts policy in EN
Ethics and Anti-corruption Alert Service
All of our staff have access to a secure and confidential alert tool.
If you witness a violation of the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct at Vetoquinol. Or if you’ve somehow breached our Code of Ethics, simply visit the secure web address below and follow the instructions:
You can also send your report confidentially to the following address:
Ethics committee
70200 Magny Vernois
All alerts will be managed by an Ethics Committee and will remain completely confidential. The law also provides you with special protection as a whistle-blower when you agree to identify yourself in your alert. This is valid both via the website and hardcopy.
For more details, we encourage you to check the user guide available here:
"The implementation of this alert tool provides an additional guarantee to those who are victims or witnesses of acts contrary to the law or to our Code of Ethics, thus helping them to be heard at the highest level of the company without having to fear negative consequences. This should also help to mitigate the risks to which our company may be exposed, such as the risk of corruption, fraudulent behaviour or acts of harassment, for example", say Matthieu Frechin, Chairman and CEO.
Responsible procurement charter
The VETOQUINOL Group (the ''Group'') wishes to continue its Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility programme and to involve all of its Partners1 in the programme. This programme manifests the Group's desire to integrate its supplier relations within a sustainable and fair framework while protecting the rights of each individual, in line with their duties. The Group therefore intends to maintain a high level of compliance by promoting collaboration with partners who are committed to working with it, and share its values in terms of sustainable development, ethics and trust in order to offer products and solutions that fully match the Group's values and expectations as well as those of its customers. Thus, the Group expects the Partners to comply with the standards set out in this Responsible Procurement Charter below and to act ethically and responsibly in the context of the customer-supplier relationship.
Click here to download the Responsible procurement charter in FR
Click here to download the Responsible procurement charter in EN